
Why fermented beet juice is hard to beat

Everyone knows that vegetables and fruits are good for health, but some are better for you than others, especially in case of fermented beet juice. Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) has attracted much attention as one of those vegetables with out-of-this-world health benefits, able to replace medications in cases of high blood pressure. Beetroot juice is a concentrated […]


High oxalate symptoms gone for good

Spinach, beets, chocolate, and almonds. These are common foods people with kidney stones are told to avoid due to high oxalate levels. Yet oxalates are tied to many other high oxalate symptoms other than kidney stones and kidney issues.  Restricting high oxalate foods is the main way to reduce these symptoms.  Since oxalates are prevalent […]


Onion peels: 7 benefits and 6 uses

When you cut into onions and start dicing, do you usually toss out the paper-thin onion peels? If you are like most people, you toss onion peels and possibly an outer layer or two. Onion peels are considered waste, while the inside bulb is considered useful. Don’t feel bad – other people are also contributing […]